Inner Faith

Inner Faith.  A poem by Melody Marie Watts.  hi, wonderful, hello, romance, romantic, love, thunder, steel, poem, poetry, tracy, wolf

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In memory of the families who's angels have fallen

People speak of inner faith
in belief of life and even death
still the senselessness lives with us

People speak of God
how everyone has a time to pass
yet I see no purpose in a life being taken

A man holds a gun
with rage he is taken
innocent lives are lost
families memories are desecrated

With that no answers are offered
no understanding can be met
still we ask God for forgiveness
as if we're being punished with injustice

No answers are given
so many questions that lay unasked
as if we look into the future
still to understand the past

Our inner faith is challenged
still we find a way to move on
as our hearts lie broken
society mourns

A candle burns as our inner faith...

Written by Melody Marie Watts

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